<!-- Random Story Row -->
<div class="random_story">
    <div class="random_story_inner">
        <figure class="random_story_figure" aria-hidden="true">

            <svg class="icon icon_globe">
                <use href="/images/icons.svg#globe" />

        <div class="random_story_wrapper">
            <div class="random_story_description">
                <p>Whether it’s on campus or around the country, we are proud of the over 12,000 Methodist alumni seeking to make the world a better place.</p>
            <div class="random_story_caption">
                <p>We foster a lifelong connection between the university and its alumni, no matter where their lives take them.</p>
            <div class="random_story_action">

                <a href="#" class="random_story_link">
                    <span class="random_story_link_inner">
                        <span class="random_story_link_label">Explore Stories</span>
                        <span class="random_story_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">

                            <svg class="icon icon_chevron_right">
                                <use href="/images/icons.svg#chevron_right" />

<!-- END: Random Story -->
	{% include '@component-random-story' with {
		title: 'Title',
		description: 'Description',
		items: [
				title: 'Item Title',
				image: '1',
				description: 'Item Description',
				links: [
						title: 'Link Title',
						url: '#',
						icon: 'caret_right'
	} %}

<!-- Random Story Row -->
<div class="random_story">
	<div class="random_story_inner">
		<figure class="random_story_figure" aria-hidden="true">
			{{ icon(icon) }}
		<div class="random_story_wrapper">
			<div class="random_story_description">
				<p>{{ description }}</p>
			<div class="random_story_caption">
				<p>{{ caption }}</p>
			<div class="random_story_action">
				{% include '@partial-link' with {
					class: 'random_story',
					title: link.title,
					url: link.url,
					icon: link.icon
				} %}
<!-- END: Random Story -->

No notes defined.